The legal world is constantly changing. One area that is growing quickly and attracting more attention is new law. While it can be hard to pin down exactly what new law means, it generally refers to using different techniques and approaches to help clients. This includes working with underserved communities, coming up with ways to improve legal services and creating strategies that are outside of standard practice.
There are a number of new laws taking effect this year. For instance, the minimum wage in New York City and some other parts of the state is now $15 per hour. This is a significant increase from the previous minimum wage of $11.
The law in New York consists of constitutional, statutory, regulatory and case law, as well as local ordinances and regulations. The laws are codified in the Consolidated Laws of the State of New York, and interpreted by courts. In addition to New York State statutes, regulations and ordinances, there are also federal statutes that apply to the state of New York.
Federal legislation takes the form of bills. These bills are introduced in either the House of Representatives or the Senate and have unique numbers that indicate where they were introduced. The bills go through a process of research, discussion and changes before being passed by both chambers and becoming a Public Law.
Local laws in New York take the form of resolutions, initiatives, ordinances, laws, plans and policies. These laws cover a wide range of topics, including criminal justice, business and housing.
For example, one Assembly bill (Assembly Bill A7273) aims to decrease the chances of accidental fentanyl drug overdoses by requiring pharmacies and health care providers to make fentanyl testing kits more available. The bill is named Matthew’s Law after a man who died of an accidental fentanyl overdose in 2020.
New Law is an important area of growth for many firms. It allows them to provide additional help for their clients while still maintaining a strong focus on the core practice areas of the firm. It is an area that all lawyers should understand so they can harness its potential and use it to their advantage.