The Law News is the legal-news website of LexisNexis (LexisNexis is a division of Reed Elsevier). This website contains general information about legal matters. The content does not constitute legal advice for your particular situation and should not be acted upon without the assistance of a lawyer licensed in your state or country. Your use of this website does not create an attorney-client or legal adviser relationship with the Law News or its editors. The Law News cannot advise you about your specific legal issues or recommend the services of a particular lawyer.
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In a general sense, this term can be used to describe a growing area of the practice of law. It can also be used to describe the changing nature of the practice itself, as law firms adapt their services in response to economic, social and technological changes. It can also be used to describe different ways that lawyers use technology in their work, such as online tools and software programs.
See LEGAL TECHNOLOGY for more on these topics.
APPEARANCE. [@-pel-@nt] The act of coming into court as a party or interested person, or of appearing in a case as a lawyer on behalf of someone else
CAUSE OF ACTION. [@-soh-uh-tor] The group of operative facts that gives rise to a claim for liability in a lawsuit
COMPLAINT. [@-com-plaht] A written or verbal statement alleging that a statutory, constitutional or common-law violation has occurred. Also called complaint of illegal conduct, illegal proceeding, and wrongful act.
CONSTITUTION. [@-con-sist-
CORPORATION. [@-corpora-t
This article was republished from the LexisNexis Law Journal, October 2007. Reprinted with permission of LexisNexis, a division of Reed Elsevier. To purchase this article, click here to learn more about LexisNexis Law Journal or call 1-800-874-8861. LexisNexis Law Journal is available through our resellers, including Westlaw and Bloomberg Law.