Types of Education


There are many forms of education. There are formal, non-formal, and community-based education. While formal education is systemically structured, non-formal education isn’t conducted within a school. It is flexible, often lacks curriculum, and has no age restrictions. Community-based education, in particular, is a growing trend in the United States. Here are some examples of the different types of education:

Formal education

While formal education is given in schools, it also occurs outside of them. Post-secondary education, or university education, usually follows a similar model, with specific rules and regulations for each level of education. Formal education, as the name suggests, is an organized process in which students learn certain subjects in a specific sequence, with the help of specialists. Indigenous and religious education also falls under the category of formal education, including initiation ceremonies, age-grade societies, and Quranic schools.

In addition to providing students with an education that teaches them the basics, formal education allows them to explore and learn about new subjects, discover new fields of study, and make connections with like-minded people. Learning about a variety of subjects enables a student to develop a strong work ethic and identify a chief interest. Because formal education emphasizes learning by doing, students develop good work habits and can better prioritize tasks. This is particularly important in the workplace, which requires a high level of discipline and organization.


Adding stories to lessons is a wonderful way to give concepts context and meaning. Teachers must engage students in the storytelling process, not just spoon-feed them information. Stories should have elements of drama, props, and effects, which pull listeners into the story. They should also include nonverbal communication, such as eye contact and body language, to convey confidence. Students are best engaged when they can actively participate in the process.

Using stories to educate is not new, but spoon-feeding knowledge has become a popular trend in schools across India. A recent workshop at the JM International School explored the use of story-telling in classroom processes. This session was designed in light of Bloom’s Taxonomy and incorporated both art and pedagogy. A successful storytelling session could enhance students’ confidence, enhance their sense of empathy, and increase their self-esteem.


While the benefits of homeschooling are numerous, they are also a major investment in time. Parents who homeschool spend more time with their children than they ever would otherwise. While there are some disadvantages to homeschooling, many parents appreciate the additional time they get to spend with their children. Additionally, there is a higher level of socialization for homeschooled children. Homeschooling allows parents to take care of many other aspects of their family life, such as job-related responsibilities and personal relationships.

Many homeschooling parents include extracurricular activities and outside classes in the curriculum. These activities may include tutors, sports, and service work. These experiences enhance the academic aspects of homeschooling and maximize a child’s intellectual development. In addition to saving taxpayer resources, these experiences provide a rich learning environment. As a result, homeschoolers tend to perform better academically than students in traditional public or private schools. Moreover, parents can also provide their children with the resources they need to succeed.

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