What Makes Entertaiment So Powerful?


Entertainment is a multifaceted universe that caters to people of all ages, interests, and emotional states. From escapism and catharsis to education and cerebral engagement, it is the means by which humans explore their feelings, express themselves, and bond with others. It takes many forms: from movies, TV shows, news, and music to art, theatre, sports, and video games.

Some find the most joy in entertainment that evokes strong emotions, such as excitement or fear, while others prefer entertainment that is thought-provoking and educational, like documentaries, puzzles, or strategy video games. Still others value entertainment that can be shared with friends, like comedy shows, multiplayer video games, or team sports.

While anyone can tell a story, few can do it well or create deep affinity with audiences. The best entertainment companies not only tell great stories, they manage the proprieties of those stories in ways that build love and monetize. This is what makes entertaiment so powerful. Click on the colocations to see more examples of entertaiment.

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