Concepts of Education and Access to Education


What is education? Education is the intentional process of imparting knowledge, attitudes, values, and skills to people, particularly children. Various frameworks exist in which education occurs. The primary aim of education is to impart knowledge, growing, and caring. While there are countless examples of educational processes, the word “education” is often reserved for those that are purposefully intended to educate. Below are some of the most important concepts related to education. In addition, this article explores how access to education can be improved.

Lessons from the past

For educators, lessons from the past can be useful in enabling students to understand the present and process historical events. According to Lina Mai, a former teacher and education editor at TIME for Kids, contextualizing history helps students better engage with history and process how past events have affected their current role in the world. In this article, she shares lesson tips for educators that help students empathize with people of the past. One tip is to highlight less-known stories to give students multiple perspectives on different events.

Concepts of education

Concepts of education are important in modern society. There is no universal definition of what education is. The purpose of education is the physical, mental, and spiritual development of the person. Teachers are called upon to have advanced knowledge and skills, awakening the hidden abilities of students. They also provide an abundance of responsiveness, and help students develop their personalities. Education is the means by which we acquire the necessary skills to succeed in a competitive job market.

Richard Peters, a British philosopher, gave a dire warning about APE when he delivered a paper about the aims of education. Peters’ paper, based on an analysis of ordinary language, was dismissed by the philosopher William Dray. Dray suggested that education should be regarded as a natural and harmonious development of man’s powers. This idea subsequently became popular. It was later embraced by other philosophers, including Sigmund Freud.

Impact of education on health

While many of us might not think about the impact of education on health, it is a powerful force in our lives. Higher education is not only associated with better health outcomes but it also increases self-advocacy and helps people make healthier choices. Educated people also tend to live in healthier neighbourhoods and are more likely to be healthier overall. Higher education can even improve your lifestyle. Therefore, investing in education should be a top priority for governments around the world.

Although studies have found a positive correlation between education and health, the causal relationship between the two is still not clear. Some studies have emphasized the negative impacts of low-income environments, which may affect children’s health in the long run. Other studies have found that adverse childhood experiences trigger unhealthy health behaviors and lead to adverse biological effects. The early living conditions of children shape their health trajectory for a lifetime, making education and health a crucial relationship.

Ways to improve access to education

There are many ways to improve access to education. For example, a recent study shows that 117 million children were thrown out of school in September 2021 due to lockdowns. Technology is becoming an increasingly important part of the education experience, and teachers must be trained to use it effectively. In addition, the digital divide continues to be a huge issue, with 1.3 billion school-age children not having access to internet at home. Without access to computers, online resources, and mobile phones, schoolchildren are missing essential education milestones and engaging in edutainment.

Many colleges function according to a medical model of disability, and most accommodations are based on proof of disability. This approach treats disability as a deviation from the norm, rather than an inherent part of the human experience. By contrast, a social and cultural view of disability would improve access to education for everyone, and focus on accounting for human variation in the design of educational resources. However, these changes may not be enough. Fortunately, some universities are trying to improve access to education for underrepresented minorities and students with disabilities.

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